Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: How does insulin resistance fit in ?

insulin resistance in Polycystic ovarian syndrome

[ Grab your free blood sugar management guide here ! ] Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome & Insulin Resistance. When it comes to polycystic ovarian syndrome, the first thing most people think of is the hormone imbalances. With the irregular periods, acne, and unwanted hair there are obvious imbalances in sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen , progesterone), but what […]

Guilt FREE Snacks You’ll LOVE!

I love having something to munch on during my favourite movie, but its nice to have some healthier options when you don’t always want to be indulging. Here are a few ideas:  Popcorn with nutritional yeast I pop my own popcorn (get rid of the microwave popcorn) on the stove with either coconut or grapeseed […]

Time To BUTT out?

It’s NATIONAL non smoking week .. what better time to start that new years resolution of quitting !  Need help??  Naturopathic Doctors offer many different tools to help you BUTT OUT including: Acupuncture – For relaxation, stress reduction, nervous system support Herbs & Supplements- For nervous system support, reducing cravings, restore deficiencies Dietary support- To […]

What’s in Your Breakfast?

With the wide array of options for breakfast meals, which one is best and how do you know? There are many different opinions about what is considered the “best breakfast”, and there are even books dedicated to teaching people how to consume cake for breakfast & lose weight (easy to buy into right?). Here is […]

Over the Counter Pain Killers & Heart Failure??

Living with pain can be debilitating for many, and for those who suffer everyday, sometimes over the counter medications (specifically NSAIDS – like advil) are the only things keeping them going. Unfortunately, new research is suggesting that these over the counter medications may not always be our best option long-term. A well known caution of […]