Work with Dr. Laura

Take Control of Your Health

Naturopathic Doctor for Women’s Health

Are you tired of dealing with irregular periods, weight gain, sleep problems, low energy, hot flashes, digestive issues and more? I get it. As a naturopathic doctor who focuses on women’s health, I’ve seen these challenges firsthand. I’ve experienced many of them myself. 

But here’s the good news: you don’t have to live with them!

Let's Explore our Holistic Approach to Your Wellness

New to Naturopathy? Here’s What It’s About

Your body has an amazing ability to heal itself. But sometimes it just doesn’t do what you need it to. 

Naturopathy is a holistic approach to health that’s all about working with your body to get it back on track! We use things like individualized testing and assessment, healthy food choices, powerful herbs, and simple lifestyle tweaks to address the cause of your problems … not just mask the symptoms.

How Naturopathy Can Help You Take Control Of Your Health & Hormones

There are endless ways that naturopathy can help you take back control and start feeling better. Here are some of the common women’s health issues we tackle:

Hormonal Imbalances

Naturopathy can help manage hormonal imbalances that lead to PMS, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), or symptoms of menopause.

Digestive Issues

Bloating, constipation, or IBS making life miserable? We can help tame those digestive issues and get your gut feeling happy again.

Energy Levels

Feeling drained all the time? Let’s find out why and get you back to having the energy to conquer your day!

Stress Management

Feeling overwhelmed? Naturopaths can help you develop stress-busting techniques to promote overall well-being.

Weight Management

Ditch the fad diets! Naturopathy offers a sustainable approach to weight management that helps you feel good while reaching your goals.

Sleep Problems

Trouble getting a good night’s rest? Naturopathy can address the root cause of your sleep issues to help improve your overall health.

Get to Know Dr. Laura

Inspired by my own hormonal journey, I have been a registered Naturopathic Doctor since 2017 and am currently obtaining certification as a Women’s Health practitioner. I’m passionate about helping women get control of their health, believe in open communication, and am constantly expanding my knowledge base. 

My goal? To find the root cause of your issues and create a plan that helps you feel your absolute best, every step of the way.

Get to Know Dr. Laura

  • Bachelor of arts & sciences (BAS) 
  • Minors in Nutritional & Nutraceutical Sciences and Family & Child Studies
  • Doctor of Naturopathy
  • Therapeutic prescribing license

How I Can Help You

Too many women are overwhelmed by our healthcare system and focusing on quick fixes that only work for a short time, if at all. I want to change that!

I want to empower you to be an active participant in your well-being by helping you build a strong foundation for your health. Through proper assessment, testing, education and open conversation, I’ll help you find the solution that you need for long-term results.  

It’s about radical changes for radical results, and I’m here to support you on your journey to feeling your best!

Frequently Asked Questions​

What is a Naturopathic Doctor (ND)?

An ND is a primary healthcare provider who uses an individualized patient-centred approach to keep the body in optimal health and to prevent and treat many conditions using a variety of therapeutic modalities. Naturopathic Doctors achieve this by not only focusing on the symptoms a patient presents with, but by using those symptoms as tools to find the root cause of disease. NDs use a wide range of evidence-based natural and conventional treatment options which can include diet and lifestyle changes, botanical medicine, supplements & nutraceuticals, traditional chinese medicine, and acupuncture.

To become an ND, a candidate must complete a bachelors degree at an accredited institution prior to applying to the Doctor of Naturopathy Degree. The doctor of naturopathy degree is a four year postgraduate program which includes studies in biomedical sciences, clinical sciences, and naturopathic therapeutics, as well as a year internship where students treat patients under the supervision of a licensed ND. Along with the successful completion of the naturopathic program, all graduates must also complete two North American board exams, NPLEX 1 & NPLEX 2, along with another examination specific to the province in which they wish to practice.

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic Medicine focuses on the underlying root cause of chronic and acute disease and aims to treat and prevent disease using natural evidence-based therapies along with the body’s abilities to heal itself. Naturopathic care involves conventional diagnostic techniques (laboratory testing and physical assessments) and treatments which focus on the whole person, while utilizing minimally invasive therapies.

Can Naturopathic Doctors order the same tests Medical Doctors?

Yes and No.

Naturopathic Doctors are able to send patients for blood work, however, since they are not covered under OHIP, the lab tests will not be either. Patients have the option of paying out of pocket in order to obtain lab work, or having their blood work processed elsewhere. Naturopathic doctors often work alongside a variety of health care providers in order to ensure patients are able to receive the highest quality of care possible.

What should I expect during a visit with Dr. Laura Pipher?

If you’re interested in working together, or looking for additional information, you’ll want to start by booking a complimentary alignment call. During this call, we will get to know each other and determine whether we are a good fit together. 

Following your alignment call, the first visit is an initial intake, which is 60 to 75 minutes in length. During this appointment, we will really start to talk about current or past health issues and relevant questions will be asked in order to gather an entire picture of your individual health. 

Next, we’ll talk about treatment options and testing recommendations along with recommended follow ups. Please have all intake forms filled out before your appointment in order to make the most of your initial visit. If you have any recent blood work, or other test results, it is a good idea to bring a copy along with a list of current supplements and medications.

Are Naturopathic Doctors covered by OHIP?

Naturopathic Doctors are not covered by OHIP, however, many employers now include naturopathic services in their employee benefits packages.

Is direct billing available?

Yes, we will bill any insurance company that permits it. You need to verify your coverage limits as we do not have access to your specific plan details.

Are health coach services eligible for extended health benefits?

Coverage depends on your plan. Health coaches are usually covered under health spending accounts. However, if you lack coverage, save your receipts for a tax deduction at year-end.

What if my concerns are different from the programs offered?

We are able to help with a wide range of women’s health issues. Book your alignment call and Dr. Laura can talk about the best next steps to suit your needs.

Ready to Take Control of Your Health?

Here’s how to kickstart your wellness journey:


Fill out the application form and Book your free alignment call to chat about your goals with Dr. Laura 


Review the materials provided before your call 


Choose the program that best suits your needs and get started right away!

Helping you achieve hormonal harmony so you can focus on what lights you up!

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