How to have a HEALTHIER commute !

Commuting to work 1hr+ each way is the reality for many people, and after a long day of work and driving all you want to do is grab a quick meal and curl up on the couch for the evening and watch some TV before going to bed and doing it all over the next […]

Time To BUTT out?

It’s NATIONAL non smoking week .. what better time to start that new years resolution of quitting !  Need help??  Naturopathic Doctors offer many different tools to help you BUTT OUT including: Acupuncture – For relaxation, stress reduction, nervous system support Herbs & Supplements- For nervous system support, reducing cravings, restore deficiencies Dietary support- To […]

Painful Period Series: My Favourite Herbs for Painful Periods

Welcome to part 3 of my painful period series, HERBS !   Download my FREE PDF GUIDE (below) to learn a little about my favourite herbs & how they can help YOU! Tune in next week for part 4, the wrap up of my painful period series! CLICK HERE FOR FREE DOWNLOAD —> herbs-for-painful-periods Yours in […]

Mental Illness or mental wellness? .. Erasing the stigma

There is a definite obsession in society today with the physical. When we are feeling “off”, or “not ourselves”, where does this come from? Our thoughts and emotions are never taken with as much urgency as our sores and pains… But why is that ? This problem exists not only in the social community but […]